Charms Lesson 2: Now You see Me It's a warm late March morning right around Easter when you walk into the charms classroom. As always, Professor Marchand has some refreshments laid out on the table in the back of the room for your enjoyment. Today's offerings: strawberry punch and sugar cookies decorated to look like bunnies and Easter eggs. Please help yourself to a few!
Today's seating arrangement has the desks in traditional rows, but there's something strange. On top of each desk is an Easter basket with three large eggs inside. But not to worry... these are Easter eggs, not dragon eggs! And the eggs aren't the only thing different. You quickly notice that there's no sign of the professor! Instead you'll find a note written on the blackboard: Quote: Please DO NOT open the eggs! They are for today's activity. Have a seat and help yourself to some refreshments, if you wish. You'll see me soon! Looks like the professor isn't here yet... Or is he? Lesson Progression: Name something about disillusionment charms How do you find an object under a disillusionment charm? Practice MAIN ACTIVITY: Disillusioned Easter egg hunt OOC: Class will start in ABOUT 24 HOURS CLASS HAS STARTED!  |