Movement is life.
Junia had read that somewhere-like maybe on a park bench or written on the wall in the loo in one of the restaurants in Diagon Alley-and it felt very true in this moment. She was constantly moving, anticipating, and ready to react to whatever Hattie decided to throw her way. It was easier now, too, thanks to magic. Like when the Hufflepuff tried to turn her head into the pumpkin, she juuuuust missed the Slytherin. It was the closest call yet, but Junia was going to consider it a win.
What was not a win was the fact that though being lighter made it easier to move and react quickly, it made it incredibly hard to withstand the gust of wind that was now pushing her backwards. She staggered a bit before she got her footing and the momentary setback was enough to make the thirteen year old furrow her brow.
"Flipendo!" The brunette said loudly and clearly, focusing all her energy on the blonde. She followed up quickly with a
"Gaudeo," which she said with just as much force. The combination was a one-two punch, and she had felt the power of them as she said them, which was AWESOME.