a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Carlton stood silent as healer Reed got the necessary samples from him. His empty gaze was fixed at the floor and he shook his head when the healer asked if he needed help washing up. He dragged his feet, walking over to the cubicle to get out of his clothes. The cold membrane he'd fallen into stuck to him as he changed but he tried not to think of it too much. The warm water felt nice as it washed over him, removing all the blood and goo. After scrubbing himself with soap the best he could he put on the clean pajamas. They didn't smell like home at all. Carlton bent down, grabbed his ruined Slytherin robe and walked out of the cubicle to hand it to the healer.
He held it outstretched for the man to take as he rubbed his nose, gaze to the floor again. The adrenaline that had been pumping through his body whilst inside the portal was gone now and so was his ability to think for himself. Quietly, he stood waiting to be told what to do next. Sleep? Eat? Talk? He'd lost track of time, he was even unsure on what day it was.
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