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Old 03-05-2017, 06:09 PM   #32 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by StarShine View Post
What Genny didn't know was that Katherine's mother was a muggle, and father was a wizard. So she just listened to the girl as anger rose inside her chest. She didn't even try to compose her expression - it clearly showed how upset she was with Genny. No, she had not been wrong about her: Genny was a rude, inconsiderate girl and Katherine wasn't even going to show up to her stupid Quidditch game.

"High enough to conceive me," she coldly said, her demeanour completely changed now. "My father loved a muggle enough to marry her, y'know? Unlike you, he didn't consider a muggle to be an alien, someone from such a different world that she wasn't even worthy of his time." Her face was flushed and with each word, her tone had got higher - just short of outright yelling. "And why should that even be a chaos? Because muggles are inferior, completely different species to us?" HMM? Actually, no, she didn't even want to hear her answer. She abruptly got up. Until this moment, she hadn't really let Genny interrupt her, and she wasn't intending to now.

"I hope you'll never have to meet a muggle and your father might as well not bother to convince my muggle mum. Good luck at your stupid, magical match."

She was storming away.


What just happened. Genny literally had her jaw drop as she was lectured and yelled at by Katherine.

Muggles marrying wizards? Was this the topic they were talking about? Because last time she checked, people were allowed to have opinions and say the word 'slim chances'.

Anyway. "I don't understand why you're so angry and calling me names, but whatever!" She called after her, frowning but not budging from her place.
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