✿ i ain't sorry.mp3 | i don't know her.gif ✿
Althea always knew that charming her bag would come in handy; she shoved Levi over and sat down on the couch. "I personally packed you food because I am extremely caring and loving," she boasted as she rummaged through her bag. She was actually quite good at packing food--mostly because she was always hungry and she and her brothers were always adventuring around the castle so they needed nourishment to keep them going.
It wasn't anything fancy, but it would do. She pulled out the first box and handed it to Levi. "Oh, wait," she said quickly, and reached deeper into her bag; she felt around until she pulled out glass bottle filled with water. "Here you go." For herself she'd stashed away some biscuits in a napkin and proceed to eat a chocolate one. Mouth full of food, she motioned to Declan and shook her bag in front of him, non-verbally asking if he also wanted something from inside it.