Due to their current situation, River gave Paul a curt nod and allowed him to take care of Carlton first as he took measured steps towards Rooney, and gently guided him towards the wooden bench and coaxed him to sit down. He did the same for Henry by gently grasping the boy by his arms, and had him sit next to the Ravenclaw Prefect. River was careful not to make sudden movements and kept his voice soft and low.
"For the record, I will not be asking any questions about what happened in there, but if you feel pain or any physical discomfort after your initial treatment tell me right away." he started as he crouched in front of the boys, and made eye contact.
"From this point forward, I will also have to ask you to trust me." Going through that kind of ordeal would really mess up a student's dependence on their adult counterparts and he wasn't going to blame them.
River procured two phials of calming draught and gave it to the older boys.
"These calming draughts should help you find your centre. Now is the best time to find your focus..." The Healer stood up and gave both boys a firm squeeze on the shoulder and moved to where Paul and Carlton was. He'd seen that kind of behaviour before, and he feared that the Slytherin might take years to overcome it. But then again, he has to try his best for the child's sake.
"Paul," River placed a hand on Paul's shoulder to get his attention,
"We're ready to move. If you could please help me escort Carlton inside?" he asked the man as softly and gently as possible so as not to startle Carlton.
He quietly stepped back to return to the two boys, and once they were done downing their Calming Draughts, River helped them to their feet and lead them to the Quarantined Section of the Hospital Wing.
OOC: You can now post in the Quarantined Section!