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Declan frowned. He didn't appreciate deeply personal questions. "I don't really understand why you're asking that," Declan said quickly still wearing a troubled frown. As she continued to talk Declan decided that she was very much like the kind of magic she practiced; all bells and whistles, explosive, demanding of attention. He didn't know if it was to his taste. The closest to fire magic Declan got was Pyromancy.
"Are you completely self-taught then? No one helped you master the fire spells?" He asked with a mixture of curiosity and shock. That was really advanced magic for anyone. He never even imagined a student at Hogwarts would be capable. Declan chuckled as they turned a corner towards the closest staircase.
"I mean Ancient Magic, like Egyptian spells back when magic was closely tied to Gods and stuff. Binding magic." He didn't really dabble with that.
"Amulets. Charmed artifacts. Divination. That kind of thing."
He nodded in acknowledgement of her additions.
"That's cool."
He scratched a spot behind one ear as he hummed pensively.
"I'm not sure yet. I like the idea of opening up an Apothecary."
OOC: post
here next?
At the sight of said frown one painted her own festures. She hadn't meant to be prying... but genuinely asking a question. "
I was just wondering what makes you different. Because different is okay. " And his thoughts on her weren't exactly wrong, but currently she was getting all of the attention she needed from one Casper Greenwood... so this wasn't about that. "
But if you don't want to answer, that is alright too." See, not meaning to be rude.
Contrary to popular belief.
His question elicited a soft laugh from the blonde next. "
Merlin, no. My uncle is the previous Defence Professor. He has always helped me. Tutoring and pushing me. Hirsch and I worked together on several spells also. I have self taught some things, but not all. Not by a long shot. We're currently working on nonverbal magic. We think I could be using it before term start next year. " She didn't mind HELP, but she didn't like classroom settings either. She preferred one on one teaching... which was why she worked with tutors even while she was away from Hogwarts.
Ah. "
Gotcha. Egyptian magic is not my cup of tea. Fascinating, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I've ever considered practicing any of it. I like the idea of amulets and stuff for protection, though. Kind of like Rune magic... but not really, " She said with a grin. She had stumbled across some stuff about Ancient Egypt when she was studying some information about Cairo WU. "
If I may ask, what brought you to that type of magic? " It was all curiosity, the reason she asked. Nothing more.
OH! I love Potions. My cousin is a Potioneer! But I am planning to study Wizarding languages and maybe foreign policies... or linguistics. Mermish and Gobbledygook can't be the only other languages, you know. " Associated with the Wizarding World anyway. "
That's brilliant, though, Declan. You'll be brilliant at it. " She just had a FEELING!