Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Leon was over the moon right now. The seventh year wanna be Auror was fighting an actually Auror! Well a hopeful Auror! One who had gotten into the YATI program at least..
The tall, muscular, brunette boy was a bundle of nerves and as he smiled at his opponent and bowed he had to take a moment to still himself. He could do this! He wasn't going to hold back either!
He rose from his bow, raised his wand and pointed it near the girl but not at her! This spell was meant to distract! "Bombarda!" Leon called followed close by.. "Incarcerous! " That one was aimed right at the girl though..
He hoped his distraction technique worked!! |