Little did Declan know, Dora loved AWKWARD people. Especially the socially awkward sort. Just ask Jacob! She was weird herself, so she always felt like she was amongst her people. Hehe. "But is that really how you identify yourself? Just as one of them? Or are you your own unique person?" The Gryffindor had a feeling that Declan Kenning was a very special person and he needed to embrace that!
Or she could be wrong. It happened sometimes. Not often, but sometimes.
And great. They were ignoring the fact that she spat that cracker at him. Good man, he was. "I can perform some destructive magic, yes. Bombarda, Reducto, and also several fire spells. Fire spells are my strong suite." And if he asked, she would DEFINITELY show him. "And I can definitely control it. I couldn't when I was younger, of course, but I can now," she said with an air of pride. Her years of practice and focus had definitely paid off in her favor. "Ancient magic? What specifically does that mean? Like... Alchemy? And I studied Divination with a former professor when I was younger." She didn't particularly care to touch on exactly why, but there you have it. Maybe he had even heard of Professor Kapoor. He was a famous author now and all.
"What do you plan to do after you graduate? Divination stuff?" Was he a SEER? Because that would be awesome. And terrifying for him.