Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander As conceited as Anthony's comment might have sounded she knew it was just him teasing her again. Ri laughed softly turning her head to press a quick kiss upon his cheek. That's the only answer he would be getting to what he said.
Ri playfully swatted his hand away when he poked her cheek. "Mm, I know but you love me for it." Whoa, what though? Grace had fallen through the floor there? Frowning a bit she glanced at him once more. "Maybe that's why no ones meant to actually go in there..." Taking a pause she looked towards the old shack of a house and then back at Anthony. "Was she alright though?" "Seriously? If anyone was to buy it their best bet would be to knock it down completely and start from the bottom up." At least that was her opinion on the idea. Cheek kisses were okay, but Anthony enjoyed Ri's kisses more. Mm, I know but you love me for it. He gave her one of his favorite crooked grins. One reserved for her. There were a lot of people in the world, but only a handful that Anthony loved. Ri being one of them. He'd told her once that he loved her. But he hadn't said it again. She knew he did though. This proving it. "Grace was fine. I cleaned the wound and then put a little numbing potion on it" Easy stuff. Nothing big. "She'd been a big baby about it though." Anthony added, only teasing of course.
"By the way, she wants to get to know you." Another add-on. Grace and Anthony were tight. Best friends, basically. If that's what you wanted to call it. "She's important to me too. It would be nice if we all could hang out sometimes." It was a wonder why they didn't already. "Her and Nuri are getting kinda serious. Maybe we could do a .... " Pause. Because he was ONLY doing this for Grace and Ri. He would NEVER do this usually. "... a double date sometime." Oh Merlin. Even saying the words...
Now Ri was crushing his dreams. "Babe. Magic. Babe. Have some faith. This house has had a tough life. He shouldn't be punished for it."
__________________ You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT  Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff |