✿ i ain't sorry.mp3 | i don't know her.gif ✿
The drama was just too dramatic and Althea had no idea why everyone was frantic. She zeroed in on the panicking girl and narrowed her eyes at her. "Don't ignore me, you rude rat, I'm being helpful in your time of distress," she took a gulp of her pumpkin juice and faced her brother again. "Yeah, he just vanished. It was the strangest thing. No kind of struggle at all either." Which Althea found extremely suspicious. At the very least they had a professor to help sort all of this madness out--which is why Althea could not understand how Charlize could continue to panic and complain. At some point someone would have to tell her to be quiet (again.)
She was grateful that Declan found her or else she might have made to matters worse with her unsolicited advice. As he prattled on Althea nodded in tandem with each of his points; she was very surprised that they hadn't considered this method in the first place. Weren't professors supposed to be smart? "He's right y'know, you can trust him on these sorts of things." She supposed if Declan offered his services, Althea would help as well. Hayden was nice (from the brief interactions Althea had with him.) He didn't deserve this kind of treatment at all.
Last edited by thekraken; 02-26-2017 at 05:45 PM.