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Levi was taking so many mental notes he wasn’t sure he’d have any space left. He wished he’d brought his journal with him, or that he at least had some ink to write on the palm of his hands. Not because retelling the details of this conversation later to Declan and Althea would be difficult but because it was, actually, a little overwhelming. Writing things down had always helped him focus and put things into perspective.
He accepted the cup of tea, thankful for something to do with his hands, which had been pulling idly at the fabric of the couch. The gold colored liquid was appealing though no more that the scent that now hung in the room, mixing with the original peppermint one that had welcomed him in. “That smells… I don’t know what it smells like, but it’s really good.” An understatement. It also made him feel slightly less--well, scattered. He took a small sip of the tea, then took another. It was not a taste Levi was used to, but it was interesting. A little malty and something else he couldn’t identify. “I think maybe Defense Against the Dark Arts will give me the most trouble if any dueling is involved.” He said, quite plainly, though with a small frown. “I was thinking of dropping it, actually, but if it can’t be helped--” Levi set his cup down on the coffee table, “--I’ll just drop Astronomy, Ancient Runes, History of Magic, Divination and Arithmancy.” The boy had to admit he’d miss History of Magic.
“I mean, if it happens--” And he did not want to sound nor look too excited at the mere possibility of Healer Reed allowing him to shadow him next year, so he picked up the tea again to focus his attention elsewhere, a little bit, “--that would be really, really cool.” Levi had kept his dark eyes rained on the remaining tea. He took a sip. “Do you know of any particular apothecaries I can apply for a summer internship?” He supposed he’d have to speak to his dad about no longer being able to bus tables at the family restaurant during the summer. Or he could also just not show up. That was possible, too.
"The smell reminds me of the meadow in spring. It's refreshing to me...and very relaxing, but not enough to induce sleep." River said as he got his own cup, wafted the steam to his face and inhaled the scent. Perhaps, if his job wasn't this stressful he wouldn't be able to appreciate the simple things in life such as tea. He was very grateful for it, on account of allowing him to breathe in between curing people and counselling students. Levi has no idea what he had gone through the past months. He was, however, coping nicely.
"Oh?" River grinned at the boy as he rested his arms on the armrest, and held the saucer in his left hand, and his teacup in the other.
"You must continue with your Defense class, young man. You see, it's quite easy to put the subject on the back burner, believing that you will have no use for it once you become a licensed Healer. However, in Healing, you have to deal with Jinxes, and Curses...all of which falls under Defense Against the Dark Arts. How would you be able to counter the curses if your knowledge in DADA is limited? Remember that not all cursed patients are confined to their beds. Some are very active on their feet, at the same time, in need of Healing." the man brought his cup to his lips once more and took another sip of his tea, amused with Levi's choices.
"Are you sure about dropping History of Magic? The amount of research work it will demand from you will benefit you greatly once you're in the profession." he continued gesturing to his very messy desk.
"It is important for Healers to be good at it." River tilted his head to the side, wondering if the boy would agree.
The Healer placed his teacup on its saucer and helped himself to another cup. While he poured the golden liquid into his vessel, River let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"That is your first mistake, Master Kenning. Self-doubt," he said placing the teapot back on the tray and leaned back in his armchair once more.
"Have faith in yourself. You will make it." River's lips found the rim of his teacup once more and took a few sips before continuing.
"There is a lot of them in Diagon Alley. There is the Diagon Dispensary, Slug and Jiggers, and Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary. Well, during my time as a student, I would frequent Slug and Jiggers and volunteer for the shopkeeper. Perhaps you can do the same after your OWLs?"