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Camilla glanced at the table behind River that contained many different items laid about. She might not have been entirely sure what each of them was but a few weren't to hard to figure out. With so much laying about to look at it would be rather easy to finds ones self getting distracted and spending quite some time in here.
Unable to make out just what it was that River had picked up since his back had been to her she couldn't help but laugh softly when he turned around. As useful as one of those microscope looking things probably was it looked silly strapped around the mans head as it was. "By the looks of the place I'd have to say you're right," she agreed with a slight nod of her head. "Why thank you, River. I do like to check things out when I can. I haven't been in this place in a long time so I decided to stop in and see what I found." No larger reason then that. "What brings you in here?" Had he been looking for something before she walked in?
"And here I thought you were out on a patrol. It's Valentine's Day, after all. Merlin knows what those kids are up to." It really wasn't a good time to be out and about, but the Healer needed to get stuff done. He'd simply have to put with all the pinks, and roses, and hearts that scattered about. River gave the place a good look around before settling his eyes back to the Transfiguration professor.
"This is one of the shops I frequent while I was still in Hogwarts. I would spend a good amount of time in here figuring out how they fix things up," he said as he brought up a repaired sneakoscope for her to see.
"I actually like the idea of dismantling an equipment, and assemble it up again just to while away the time." See? True Ravenclaw right there.
The Healer paced towards another shelf and reached up to examine another magical item.
"My muggle microscope got broken. The rings were so old that it crumbled to my touch. Tried to repair it with a charm, but it was a no go...so, here I am, trying out my luck." he said grinning at his colleague. Another item...well, a set of items caught his eyes and he immediately gestured Camilla to come over.
"I have also decided to get one of these...I'd love to get your opinion, though." he said gesturing to a line of antique looking compasses.
"Which one do you fancy the most? This one?...this...or how about this?"