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Soon after wolfing down his late breakfast, (he went to bed last night really late slaving over his defunct microscope), River wrapped up warm and headed straight for Dervish and Banges, hoping to get the spare parts he needed for his muggle microscope. The possibility was close to none, but the Healer Man wasn't going to give up easily. There was this thing called 'luck', and he was that close to being desperate.
He really ought to visit the city soon, considering that his luck would be greater there. However, the year was 2092...was it still possible to come across such rare spare part?
Camilla had taken her time with making her way into Hogsmeade this morning. It wasn't often that she made the trip even on the students given weekends. She really had no reason to be here either other then the simple fact that it was a change of scenery for a couple of hours.
So having made sure to dress for the weather Cami made her way into Hogsmeade trudging slowly down the snow covered pavement. With no true destination in mind the brunette paused in front of Dervish and Banges. There was a high chance that nothing would appeal to her in this shop at all but that didn't stop her from pushing the door open and stepping inside to have a look around.
Who really knew what one found find in a place like this?
Or should we say whom? Hardly had she made it a few feet into the shop did her brown eyes fall upon River. "I'm sure you won't be finding any Healer supplies in here," she commented teasing softly as she walked towards him.