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He’d unconsciously been moving closer to the canister, which only came to his attention when two of them flew out, clearly summoned by the professor. Levi took a step back to look at the man, then headed to occupy one of the armchairs. “I didn’t know tea could be so complex. Sounds sort of like a science.” Or potion making, which he supposed qualified as science, too. The chair was comfortable and he felt compelled to wiggle in a little deeper, but refrained. That would be maybe considered a strange thing to do in front of people. Or an adult person. Same difference.
“Well,” Levi did not want to sound like he was hesitating or like he was nervous, but sometimes such things could not be helped. He cleared his throat. “OWLs coming up and all that, my understanding is that I need to worry about the future.” The future being only two years away and some change, apparently. “I like reading, healer Reed.” He smiled, a little nervously. “No, I love reading. I love reading about people and what makes them--people, I s’ppose.” Levi didn’t think he’d ever quite tried to articulate that, and it sounded strange, to his own ears. Maybe even a little embarrassing, too. “From the inside out.” Cells making way for tissues connecting until organs were formed; emotions and their ability to affect decisions and even neuron patterns. “I guess my question is, what exactly does it take to get accepted into the healing program?”
"It is art, and science my friend." the Healer grinned at the student as he took the other armchair and made himself comfortable by leaning back, crossing his legs in the process as he waited for their tea to steep properly. Thinking about it, it did seem like brewing a potion considering that one must be familiar with the more complex properties of the ingredient. No wonder he enjoyed the subject...and Herbology. The endless discovery and possibilities always piqued his Ravenclaw brain.
River sat up straighter in his armchair and interlaced his fingers on top of his belly, as he listened to Levi's reason for his visit. First of all, the man was surprised that the boy did not end up in Ravenclaw. Oh, the books that he can read in their personal library. Some were not even available in the school library! Well, too bad it is an old house secret, so there was no way he'd tell the young lad. The next words made him nod, totally understanding what Levi meant. He was talking not just about the human anatomy, but the psyche that moves it. It was a complex topic, but a very interesting one.
"Do well in your OWLs and especially in your NEWTs, and explore simple internships during the summer." Time management was also key.
"All of your subjects are important, but it's time that you concentrate in Potions, Herbology, Charms, Creatures, Defense, and Transfiguration. It's a lot to study, but that's because we are dealing with saving lives here, and one ought to master these subjects to correctly diagnose a patient...or what to do on a patient in emergency situations." River paused as he reached out to his china pot and took a peek at the leaves steeping inside, and wafted the scent in his direction.
"I mentioned earlier to explore internship programs. Although St. Mungo's will not allow Hogwarts-aged students like you to intern for them over the holidays, there are apothecaries that would very much like your help. Through it, you get to learn all about Potion ingredients, even beefing up your knowledge in Herbology." River continued as he prepared their cups, putting the strainer on each vessel, and poured out the golden substance in it. In an instant, the room was filled with the soothing scent of light orchid.
"Or perhaps, if the situation permits, and if you get the grades that you need, I can shadow you during your sixth year while I have a patient in here." he continued, offering Levi his cup.