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Old 02-24-2017, 01:10 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola A.
Second Year
Default H: 280 m: 235 f: 20
Mischievous Niffler

"Thank you!" said Kitty cheerfully as Charlotte complimented her spiders. They didn't have time to continue the conversation, as the match was just starting, but if they had continued Kitty would have complimented Charlotte's hair in return.

And spells were flying! She watched as Charlotte cast the featherlight charm on herself, from other matches Kitty could tell that this seemed to be her favorite spell. Then she watched as she blocked her silencio and sent it flying harmlessly in another direction, right before casting...

"Oh, Merlin's beard no - PROTEGO!!!" her block came up just barely in time, causing the flames to burn harmlessly into a wall. Kitty couldn't believe how close that had been, but before she could even plan her counter attack, she was hit full on by an onslaught of purple firecrackers. "GAAAA!!!" she screamed, and she threw up her arms to cover her face. Two of the spiders fell out of her hair and clattered to the ground.

Kitty stood to her full height when the spell wore off, and forced a smile. "Nice spell there. LANGLOCK!" Then she followed it up with the spell she'd just learned: Orbis.

SPOILER!!: Points

Spells cast:

Protego: Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
Incantation: Protego (pro-TAY-goh)

Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10 (if just defending)
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.

Langlock: Glues target's tongue to roof of mouth
Incantation: Langlock (LANG-glock)

Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a

Orbis: Sucks the target into the ground, as if it were made of quicksand
Incantation: Orbis

Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a

Affected By:

Purple Firecrackers: Shoots firecrackers (purple) from the caster's wand
Incantation: [unknown]

Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a

Kitty DuGray Valentine
H: 300 - 20 = 280
M: 275 - 65 = 210
F: 20 - 0 = 20

Last edited by hermionesclone; 03-10-2017 at 11:08 PM. Reason: Updating points
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