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Old 02-23-2017, 09:17 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by awakemysoul View Post

"Yes, creating new charms," Bear confirmed with a dreamy smile. (How dorky was it to daydream about work?) "I'm pretty excited about it. I went to the University of Edinburgh after Hogwarts and got a degree in linguistics, and I'm dying to put it to use." He'd had to have a family friend in admissions do a bit of charming people herself to get him in, what with him not having a "real" transcript and all, BUT nothing illegal had happened, and clearly he was capable of doing the work. He'd never used magic to cheat on anything! "Anyway, Ms. Potions Lady, I will try not to ever mess up any potions..." He tried to look serious as he said this but wasn't doing a great job at it.

He laughed in surprise as Amelia told him what she'd said to their boss. "Well," he said, "at least it was while he was a cat. Your job would probably be waaaaay more awkward every day if you'd said that to him while he was human." He suppressed a giggle. It probably wasn't nice to laugh at your new coworker's expense, but that was a funny story. And anyway, she sure found something to laugh about with him...

He wrinkled his nose as she verbally italicized his formal name again. (How did her voice do that?) "I know it might seem a little out of left field," he admitted. "BUT it's actually logical! Theodore turned into Teddy, which turned into Teddy Bear -- I know, I know, but I was less than a year old, so I didn't have much say in the matter -- and Teddy Bear turned into just plain Bear." He shrugged. "And I will reiterate that all of this happened before I was old enough to talk, so I had no influence on the matter." He grinned and held up his hands in a gesture of innocence. "I am pleased with the end result, though." NOW would she answer his questions? Because to be honest he was still having a little freakout, despite what his outside appearance may seem like.

"You can create anything?!" That made him like... God. "Do you take requests?" Now, this was fun. "Linguistics... Wow." Amelia murmured, nodding her head. People like her uncle knew linguistics. Amelia didn't. People that did know linguistics sounded smart though. Much smarter than she did right now.

"What a way to make a first impression on the boss, huh?" Amelia laughed, glancing over to the Bossman. Hopefully this would all be forgotten tomorrow, or she'd forever be the one calling her boss adorable... "At least he'll remember me!" Probably not for the best reason though.

Amelia couldn't help but laugh when Theodore told her the story behind the nickname. "Teddy bear?" This was way too good to just brush by. "I uh," She had a difficult time supressing the laughter from bubbling up again. "I must admit I don't really see people at the Ministry calling you Teddy Bear. Or Bear. But then what do I know, our boss just turned into a cat." Everything she thought she knew about the Ministry had turned out to be wrong. "Come up with some really neat Charms and you can be called whatever you like." She decided with a determined nod.

She also hadn't decided what to call him yet. Bear? Teddy? Teddy bear? Theo? Theodore? There were so many options.

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