Hogsmeade Shopkeeper Dugbog
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 118
| SPOILER!!: Love Birds Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Gaston felt a squeeze on his hand and immediately stopped writing. He put his pen in the book to mark his place and closed it. His heart skipped a beat as he looked into the eyes of his Rose, his muse, and he smiled as he squeezed her hand back.
For several moments, all he could do was gaze lovingly at her, in utter disbelief that someone as perfect as her could fall in love with him. He gave her a little kiss on the cheek and pulled out a bouquet of red roses and a large box of Honeydukes chocolate, handing them both to Rose. "Happy valentines Day, ma chérie!" he said once he'd finally found his voice. He had another gift tucked away in his jacket pocket, but he was saving that one for a little later. Quote:
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
This was Rosalyn's first time stepping inside this pub, and she had to say that the atmosphere left a lot to be desired. It was absolutely filthy in here. Still at least it wasn't overly sappy like Puddifoots and she was happy to eat anywhere with her love... so long as neither of them ended up getting food poisoning.
It wasn't hard to spot Gaston since he was the only customer, and Rosalyn grinned as she saw him writing away in his black journal. It was obvious that he was working on some new lyrics. Part of her didn't want to disturb him, but this was a date and he was expecting her. Instead she joined him, squeezing his free hand as soon as she had taken a seat. Her Valentine. Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Gaston sat alone at a table toward the back of the pub. This place looked a little... dirty, but it was better than Puddifoot's. That place was too sappy, even for him! His bright blue eyes kept flicking to the door every few seconds, watching for any sign of Rosalyn. It was almost Valentines' Day, and, hopeless romantic that he was, he had s surprise planned in honor of the occasion.
He glanced at his watch for a second, then began fidgeting with the bracelets on his arm. He had no idea why he was so nervous! Or maybe it was more like excitement... Whatever the case, Gaston needed a distraction. He pulled the little back journal he always carried with him out of his pocket and started jotting down some new song lyrics. Samuel walked into the seating area of the Hogs Heads upon hearing someone enter. Looks like the man that had walked in was going to be flying solo. As Samuel began to make his way over towards the man a woman had walked into the door. It seemed as if this was a date. It couldn't have been the most horrible holiday in the creation of the world? Nah, never. The man walked over towards the couple anyway. "Is there anything I can help you two love birds with?"
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