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Derf was still drumming when the door swung open and was so engrossed in pretending he had rhythm - he did actually have some, for the record - that he didn't fully noticed Professor Vance had made her appearance. But her voice sure did.
Jumping, because his back happened to be facing the door, Derf spun around in place and the box dislodged itself from between his legs with a dull thud to the floor. "Hi profes-s-ss-sor!" he greeted, quickly bending over to pick the box up off the ground. "I jus-st wanted to give you...." And then the first year ACTUALLY looked at the professor and forgot what it was he was about to say. "Did Peeves-s do fat to you, profes-s-sor?"
Was the poltergeist here? It was sort of on the first year's Hogwarts bucket list that he be the victim of a prank. Not like some massive group one or anything, but singled out. Because then that meant that he was important enough for the poltergeist's attention. It made sense in the first year's mind, okay?
It took several moments for Laurel to drop her whole crisis mindset, because of the insistent knocking on her crystal ball that seemed very urgent to a calm and pleasantly surprised by Derfael's visit mindset. Luckily for her the young badger was so engrossed in his own world with his back to the door that he didn't notice her right away.
But when he did though Derf spun on the spot and dropped his peculiar box with a dull thud to the floor as he greeted her. Apparently he wanted to give her something but it was lost as Derf most likely took in her flour covered appearance. Laughing good heartedly Laurel shook her head as she replied kindly.
"No, not at all. Peeves isn't at fault. I'm covered in all this flour and its entirely my own fault for experimenting with a new future reading method."
Doing her best to brush off some of the worst flour from her face and robes she asked.
"Would you like to come inside Derfael and show me the content of that box over some apple lemonade and some scones if they are too badly burned?" OOC: You may now post in the office!