Ri! Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Hogsmeade weekend. That's all Rian-Kate had cared about as the days went by. Sweet relief from not only lessons and homework but from the entire castle. Being able to get away for a few days and completely forget about studying for her OWLs was a happy welcomed blessing.
So when the weekend finally arrived Ri was set and ready to go. The red head had been one of the first ones awake, showered, dressed and down to breakfast. When it was time to go she had grabbed the boyfriend's hand and practically dragged him along in her haste to get the day started. Where exactly she was headed when they reached Hogsmeade the teen had no clue but honestly she didn't even care right now. Nothing was getting in her way of having a good time today...not even the still very chilly weather.
It wasn't until they had made it half-way there and were walking through the mud did she even realize where they were headed. Ri gave the hand she was grasping a light squeeze and glanced over at the taller boy beside her a small instantly pulling at her lips. "Maybe letting me lead the way wasn't the best of ideas," she teased softly grinning at Anthony as she continued forward through the mud and snow. So going to Hogsmeade sounded way better than spending another weekend in the castle. Especially since he hadn't been able to do anything last weekend due to incidents. He was mostly healed now, and was ready for a weekend out.
The girlfriend seemed to be ready and willing for him to go to. Rihad sent a birdie to bug him until he awoke. Those were worse than muggle alarm clocks. He made it to the Great Hall before she had grabbed his hand and was pulling him towards the village.
It was amusing to watch her though. Plus she had a cute smile, so Anthony couldn't complain. "You're the one that had to take lead." He said with an amused grin. "Do you even know where we are?"
__________________ You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT  Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff |