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Listen. Any friend of Rula and Junia - or even an acquaintance though Abey didn't actually know what that was actually - was a friend of Abey's. This was because Abey liked to have friends - especially older and bigger friends with more life experience and who could tell him more things - and he also liked sharing things with his cousins. Sometimes without asking first. Like friends. Or chairs in Astronomy class. (Sorry again about that, Junia.)
"My friend Théo gets homesick too I think, and he's in my dorm. But we both have cousins here too, which helps." Of course, Théo actually had a cousin IN Gryffindor, Charlie, and she was really nice too actually. "Sometimes, when I'm having fun with people, I stop being homesick. Then when I realise it makes me feel a little bad because I forgot to miss home, even though I hate feeling homesick."
Okay, so maybe Abey just liked to share his feelings with anyone and everyone. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe. Actually.
He shoved the last of his food into his mouth, effectively clearing his plate, and chewed on it, cheeks bulging with food, as Dora went on about homework and... OWLs. THAT earned a screwed up sort of face, a scrunched up nose and a shake of the head. Exams, OWLs... it was best to not think about those. He had a million years before it was his turn.
Having his mouth stuffed full of food would have given Abey some time to think about his answer to her question, were it not for the fact that he had known the answer to that for years and years, despite only studying the subject for a matter of weeks.
"Ancient Runes!" he declared brightly, once his food was all settled in his belly. Abey took a sip of his juice before going on. "Except I'm not very good at it at all yet. I'm actually good at the lessons which are more about magic, like Charms and Transfiguration, because I hate writing things, and I really like Defence Against the Dark Arts. I'm in the Duelling Club and I'm sooooooo excited to do the tournament." Ooh. OOOOOH. "Do you duel, Dora?" And also, could she help him be really really really good dueller???
Dora couldn't help but smile wider still at the little Botros, he was certainly adorable he was. And they were totally friends now. Forever. He had been claimed. In her head, anyway. Hehe.
That is a huge help. I have lots of friends here that I have known since I was a baby, so that helped me a lot. And you're right, once you start having fun, you worry a little less about what's happening back at home," she agreed with a nod. That had been her personal experience anyway. Once she was able to get out of her head she had a blast with her old friends... and the new ones. And this year was going marginally better than her previous years at school. "
Do you have a little piece of home with you? A picture, a special book, something personal from home? That could help sometimes I think."
There was absolutely nothing wrong with sharing. Dora was often an OVERsharer. Indeed.
Awww of course his favorite subject was runes. It had not been lost on her that his name was Abraham Botros. Like the former headmaster. So it made total sense. To avoid giving him the sad look she felt building on her face, she focused on her plate and the last bits of food she had there. "
I am sure you will get better at it if you try."
It's in your blood, after all she added in her head... as an after thought.
I have been known to duel," she replied with a wicked grin. "
I am just not in the club. I'm not much of a joiner, you see. But I have had a really good teacher to help me along." Former Professor Dakest. Hehe. "
Do you have a favorite spell yet? Mine is Incendio Tria. I mastered it last term." And YES she was proud of that.