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Old 02-20-2017, 11:38 PM   #61 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Amelia was shocked. First the people on the floor, then the flying cat in a bubble then a lion?!

She stared at the woman (Becca), who was also a lion in her free time apparently. It was all very confusing. Empowering, in a way. But confusing. Amelia found it a bit suspicious the little kitten trapped in a bubble was a Department Head.


Maddox? Maddox Quigley?

The kitten was HER Department Head? And she'd called him adorable. Not the first impression she was hoping to make. She suddenly took a great interest in the goody bag she'd picked up. Maybe she could just back out of the room and pretend it had never happened.

SPOILER!!: Theodore!
Originally Posted by awakemysoul View Post

Bear turned suddenly at feeling someone tap him. Was he in trouble already?! Had someone read his mind about the shirts again?!?!

Oh. No. Not in trouble. Just a woman holding some ID badges. "Neither," he said with a grin. "Although I am curious why you think I look like a Sam. Not that I'm offended. Sam is a great name, after all."

He looked behind her and saw the table that contained all the badges on it. How had he missed that? It was practically right in front of his face. "Bea-- Theodore, actually," he continued, scooting around her to pluck his badge from the pile. He'd done it again, almost said Bear. He was going to have to get used to saying it. Theodore. Theodore Theodore Theodore. Like a GROWN-UP. He still had trouble arranging his face neutrally when he said it. He'd never liked that name. He resisted the temptation to change his ID badge magically and instead put it on.

"I'm glad you ran into me, in any case. I was a little lost, if I'm being honest... And you're... Amelia in Magical Accidents and Catastrophes?" he continued, looking at her nametag with a smile. "Hey! That's my department too!" He really needed to work on this transparency issue of his, too, because he couldn't disguise the excitement in his voice, either. (His emotions had a tendency to put themselves on full display.) Anyway... A FRIEND!!! Hopefully, anyway. If she wanted to be friends, that is. Things would just be sooooo much easier going into a new/scary/grown-up place ith a built-in friend.

Also... What the heck was going on over there? A floating cat and yelling and people falling and other stuff?! Bear couldn't say he was sad he wasn't in the thick of things. The sidelines were great. "What is everyone freaking out over?" he asked his new coworker. "Apparently I missed something..."

Amelia tossed the two IDs she'd stolen borrowed back, as the guy reached for the right one. Theodore. She wouldn't have guessed that. She shrugged. "I took a wild guess, Theodore." Sounded very formal but she didn't actually know the guy so formal was the way to go.

And then he admitted to being lost. Who wouldn't be in this chaotic orientation? Somehow she'd imagined it to be all men in suits, talking quietly to one another over appetizers. Flying cats in bubbles, people colliding and lying in a mess on the floor and a roaring lion was not what she'd expected. But Theodore's excited expression when he realized they were in the same department made her laugh.

"Yes, I know you are." Which was why she'd given him the wrong ID in the first place. "So, what's your position?" Work was something she could talk about forever and the excitement from Theodore was actually rubbing off on her.

And then he asked about everything that went on around them. Right. Amelia reluctantly glanced over at the people involved in the chaos. One of them being her boss that she'd just called adorable to his face. Kitten face. But still to his face. "Mr. Bossman." She said nodding over to the kitten (Maddox). "Maddox Quigley." She clarified as she moved on to point at the older man on the floor (Airey). "A guy with no balance who was afraid of Mr. Bossman," She pointed to the woman, storming away from the scene (Eliora). "Angry fellow Magical Accidents & Catastrophes co-worker aaand," She nodded towards the last person she would include in this little breakdown of events (Becca), "Another Departmend Head who just turned into a lion." Just in case he missed the whole 'roaring'-thing.

"Apparently your typical day at the Ministry!"

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