Portal people <3 Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door As far as Daisy knew, two girls had been taken. She had no idea of where they had been taken to, but it was pretty clear that wherever that portal in the sixth floor led to, it wasn't good. The professors, Natalia and Skylar looked really, really nervous. Even she could understand that something more serious than two missing students was going on. Skylar seemed to be particularly concerned, though, and the fifteen year old moved closer to her fellow Slytherin and wrapped one arm around here. SQUEEZE. It would all be fine! They had the Professors AND the Head Girl here. Their job was basically to keep them all safe, right?
But she did not like the idea that all they could do to keep themselves safe was to 'keep their eyes open'. That seemed -- well, like nothing at all.
It seemed like the Head Girl had gotten that badge for a reason, though; as she spoke about all the different possibilities that might have occurred, Daisy nodded her head. That was a good idea, actually! Maybe they really had returned once she had left the area! And she was pretty sure that it hadn't been a trick of the light but there was no point mentioning it now. "That'd be fine with me." Daisy told the Professors at Natalia's suggestion. She didn't particularly want to do it because she really, REALLY wanted to stay away from any of these things but she also understood the gravity of the situation. Somewhat. "Each of us can take a specific area and we'll check it!" Well, maybe Skylar shouldn't be allowed to go because she was SO TINY. Tiny snakette. She didn't dare to mention this out loud, however; she had never spoken that much with Skylar but she looked like she would hex her head off if Daisy called her small. "Do you think we should get the other Prefects involved?" |