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Old 02-17-2017, 06:46 AM   #25 (permalink)
Charely Potter

Wizarding World RPG Admin
St. Mungo's Mod

Alley Proprietor
Charely Potter's Avatar
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,107

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ean Zoilo Feirgrund

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports

Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

SPOILER!!: Greetings

Originally Posted by Suziella View Post
Juno, Thunderbolt 5000 in hand, walked out to the Quidditch Pitch. It was too bad they took Quidditch out of Hogwarts. She would have loved to play on a team, but so be it. It seemed she was one of the first students to arrive, which was okay with her. The more time on the pitch alone the better. But she knew students would be showing up soon.

She hoped a specific Ravenclaw boy would be here soon. Just the thought of him made her beam with joy. "Hello, Professor McLeod! Great day for flying!" She said with a wave.
Ah the first student to arrive was a prefect. Good, good. Paulie should be proud as Justin returned her wave. "Well hello Juno, good to see you remembered your broom." Was that the latest Thunderbolt? At her age? Goodness, today will be competitive.

Originally Posted by Oesed View Post

Scottish winters really didn't play around.

Levi would have gladly skipped the class but, well, he didn't want his parents to find out and yell at him. And they would do so personally, too; they'd probably show up to Hogsmeade and lecture him at The Three Broomsticks for everyone to see. He knew because this already had happened, more than once. Such was the Kenning-Harcourt way.

"G'morning, Professor McLeod." Levi smiled as he visibly shivered. He should have just stayed in his room and claimed he was low on fiber. Or had an excess of it. Getting yelled at by his parents was better than this."What a nice day it is..." to get frostbite or freeze to death.
"Good morning." Was that a touch of sarcasm from the young man? Justin didn't hear it if it was.

Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
This head boy wasn't gonna miss this opportunity. He loved the idea of having an experienced flying class. He was itching to get back on his broom and his prayers have been answered. It was also cool that his head of house was teaching the class. He hoped he would learn new skills to show off to his cousins. As he made his way to the class, he saw two others made it. He had his broom in his hand and it was a Firebolt. His trusted firebolt he has had since he left durmstrang. He also felt the bitter chilling wind. He shivered a little bit but it didn't bother him too much. Once his adrenaline was pumping he would have no issues.

He saw his head of house and nodded towards him with respect. In fact he was kind of the only Professor he took seriously out of this whole school. "Hello Professor McLeod. Love the idea of this class.." He liked being with his fellow peers more than youngsters. Once he said his greetings, he began to get his firebolt ready. Man he should have brought some gloves.
"Hello Colt, glad you love it." Justin nodded back.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Actually, even though he was ABSOLUTELY an experienced flyer actually, on account of how he had been going to Quidditch camps since he was four or five years old (it was hard to remember) AND his big brother was a professional Quidditch player (actually more like DOUBLE professional really actually) and had taught him to fly AND he had a West and an Alice and everything, Abey was a little apprehensive about going to this class. Experienced was more likely to mean older so probably there would be more older students here today than younger, and almost definitely not as many first years as usual. No doubt they might not be very happy to have a littler kid hanging around them either, but Abey reeeeeeally wasn't a beginner and Flying was a lesson he was actually likely to actually be good at, so of course he was going to go.

Also, JUST BY THE WAY? FREEZING. FREEZING COLD. Coming back to an EVEN COLDER SCOTLAND after Christmas was actually criminal actually and Abey was struggling very much to re-adjust. And this class had to be outside and everything about that was just terrible.

Even so, he was there, because of course he was.

Though, by the time Abey had reached the field where the class was, his teeth were chattering like fury actually and it was a mystery as to whether his nose was even still on his face because he no longer had any feeling in it, and that was WITH a scarf (in Gryffindor colours (>.>)) wrapped around his lower face. Hat, coat, gloves, all with added warming charms (thank you mama) were some help, but the cold kept managing to creep through everything. The worst part was that Abey knew that flying with all this outdoor wear was not going to be easy, and he might have to shed some of it, and then would be FLYING and EVEN COLDER and ugh maybe it was a better idea to just go back inside and sit by a fire.

Safe to say the conditions had made Abraham Botros Jr. quite the grumpy customer. And it didn't help that older kids were already here with their own brooms. Abey eyed them jealously before turning his attention back to...

....... uhhhhh...

That One Professor Guy.

"Mffgmffm, mfffsfm." Roughly translated from scarf-speak, that was a polite greeting.

ACK. Standing still was even worse than walking. MUCH worse. Abey stomped his feet on the ground to keep himself moving, and rubbed at his arms to warm himself up as much as he could. On his own. Away from everyone else.

Because he didn't know them and they were all miles older so they were actually very intimidating actually. No, yes, he'd stay over here.
Look at this little one braving the cold. "Nice to see you too Abey." A firstie. Which meant no broom on him. Oh well, that was easy to solve.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Brent's adrenaline was rushing as he stepped out the common room and headed toward flying class. He felt like he hadn't flown in ages, and that was almost true considering there weren't any sports to get involved in here. The dueling club had almost made up for that, though, and now he had every bit of confidence that his Head of House was going to hold one really awesome lesson!

Reaching the pitch, he approached Mr. McLeod with an over-excited grin. "Hello, Professor McLeod!" he said, using the term professor because he had heard everyone else doing the same. He eyed the trunk on the ground beside the man. Duuuude. This was going to be so much fun! He didn't even care if he was in the air throwing a cabbage around. He just wanted to get on his broom and fly!
"Hello Brent." Grinning back.

Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
Leon was running a bit late due to the fact that he had forgotten his broom in the dorm. He jogged all the way up there and all the way down and arrived at the Pitch a little out of breath but on time still!

His grey eyes lit up as he saw who was already there and he grinned as he made his way over to the Hufflepuff Prefect.. "Hey Jun." " He said as he stood next to her and causally bumped shoulders with her before turning to the Professor and smiling. "Hello Professor McCloud, great day for flying! " He said with a grin as he looked back at Juno..
McCloud... Bwahahaha. The Instructor laughed aloud at this, "Well hello there Leon." He was fully accepting that nickname.

Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Early, early, early! About time Jonas was early to anything. Lol. Mainly flying. Okay okay. Let's see. Oh! Trunks!
"G'day professor!" Jonas smiled a bit. He didn't mean to sound too...yelling.
"Are we going to learn about quiditch today?" He asked glancing at the trunks.
"G'day Jonas." It was a pleasant surprise to see him attend this lesson as well. And early! "We'll be learning more than just Quidditch today."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Feeling wide eyed and bushy tailed, Derf SPRINTED down to the grounds with high HIIIIIIIIIGH hopes that this time they would be doing waaaaaaaay more than just getting their brooms off the ground and hovering. Because he was STILL feeling a bit crestfallen from that whole experience.

Blue eyes instantly fell on Abey and the Hufflepuff's pace increased even more so he could go stand by his friend right away. Without snow this time. Although the grounds were in full supply of that at the moment...

"HI ABEY!" he greeted with a grin. "You know...I haff been finking...and we NEED a s-s-secret hands-s-shake." It was just what you DID with friends, you know? So they needed to make one up sometime. And maybe Abey wouldn't be opposed to spit like Simon was.


"Hi Mr. McLeod!" PAUSE SO HE COULD STARE. "Please please please s-say we are doing more than JUST hovering today?!" PLEASE?! That was what the trunk meant, yeah?
"Well hello there." He was an excited little guy. "I dare say we are."

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
I feel the need-- the NEED for SPEED YOW!

The Curly Top bounded for the Pitch. He was soooo looking forward to this day, because then he wouldnt need to hold back yknow? Or so he thinks "Heya Mr McLeod!" he greeted the Flying Instructor with the usual bright happy smile that shines forth such warmth despite the chilly weather.

Oh and he is definitely going to use his personal broom, because when else could the speed devil use it legitly eh?
"Hello Tenacius, ready for take off?"

Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Daisy woke up that morning as if it were the first day of Spring, not a cold January morning. To her, of course, it was the best day of the week. FLYING. They got to FLYYYY. Over the Christmas break, she had obviously spent most of her time flying around the property with her Dad and she had even managed to sneak in a Quidditch match but ... Well, there was just something about flying over Hogwarts.

Especially in days like these.

With a grin so big it should not even be legal, the fifth year made her way down towards the Quidditch pitch, fully prepared for whatever may come of this lesson. Underneath her Slytherin cloak, she had her flying gear on, down to the boots and to the Falmouth Falcons shirt with the name Carden written in the back. Representing the family, yo! Her trusty Firebolt Supreme XX was in her hand, shining and gleaming in the January sun. "Hello, Mr. HoH!" She greeted the man, hand help up high for a high five. AAAH, he was favourite. Slytherin Head of House, FLYING instructor. Yup, Mr. McLeod was definitely the most awesome person around.

She eyed the trunk beside the Professor excitedly for a moment before chuckling and moving to stand next to Gryffindor Prefect. With a grin, she nudged the boy enthusiastically and pointed towards the trunk. "Do you think he has Bludgers in there?" Oh, please let it be Bludgers. She needed to show the Head Boy that she wasn't that bad of a Beater.

"G'morning Daisy." Lots of flying snakes here today, good good.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post

"Hiya Sir!" Rooney smile, and nuzzled back into the scarf he had wrapped multiple times around himself. His nose was often the first thing to get cold and the hardest thing to warm back up. So for now, in the January weather, the Ravenclaw was making the most of a scarf complete with a warming spell. Thank you, practical clothing designer mother. What a wonderful way to start the day. With a snug, warm nose and matching gloves so that he could withstand the temperatures here in Scotland.

"Reckon I'll make it to Neverland in this lesson?" He asked to no one in particular.
"Hello there Rooney."

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
If you thought there was going to be a flying lesson and Olivia Phillips wasn't going to be there, bright eyed and READY, you were wrong.

Just saying.

Shouldering the broom her father had gotten for her two years ago (the best birthday gift she'd ever received, to be honest), Liv trekked out to the pitch; appreciating the chill in the air. Since she was getting decent sleep these days (without her having any say in the matter), and being forced to eat meals that would keep her from collapsing (which she also didn't have a say in if she wanted to stay at Hogwarts), the blonde Gryffindor felt confident about the day. Well, not confident... but, again, ready. Flying would be good for her.

"Hello, everyone."... and ickles. We see you ickles.... Didn't they have their own lessons, which were separate? Would they be safe with the more experienced flyers? "Sir, you could've hooked us up with some hot tea and biscuits..." Just saying. Everyone else had.
"Hello Olivia." Tea and biscuits? "I could have, but I decided to give your stomachs a break as we'll be taking off shortly."

Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Hah! Time to fly! It was cold, yes and she really hated the cold but, flying was just too fun to stay inside for! And although this lesson was one she wasn’t forced to follow she happily joined the others on the field. “Hello professor” she greeted the teacher with a excited smile. She wasn’t exactly the best in flying but she was good enough, better than she had expected that she would be given the fact that she had grown up in a muggle family without any flying experience while others from some of the wizard families had played with toy brooms. And yes, those toy brooms were really easy and they couldn’t fly higher than a meter of two but, it was more than she had been able to practice! Buuuut, anyway! She was more than happy to fly again and to feel free like a bird while flying.
"Hello Leesha."
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Henry would definitely call himself an experienced flyer. In fact, he didn't think he needed to take a flying class at all, whether it was an advanced class or not. But it was an excuse to go flying and he wasn't about to pass that up as it was one of his most favorite things to do.

Shouldering his Moontrimmer, the bundled-up sixteen year old made it out to the pitch. "Hello, Mr. McLeod," Henry greeted the groundskeeper with a nod as he passed him to look for a place to stand among the assembled students. Oh, were there first years here too? Well.. maybe they were experienced... and to be fair, he was sure he would have come to an experienced flying class when he was a first year too.
"Hello there Henry!" This was definitely a nice turnout.

It another flying lesson, at last. How exciting! After waving and acknowledging those who entered with and without words it was time to start.

"Alright everyone, welcome to another flying lesson. Now as expected, we will be in the air for the duration. Why out in this weather today? Because as flyers whether you choose to pursue a Quidditch career or not, the cool air is considered another obstacle. One you must break through to the point of not feeling the cold as you keep on flying." Sounds about right. "Since we have some younger flyers joining us, I had brought some spare brooms not only for them but anyone else who neglected to bring theirs today." So they were free to collect one as Justin then revealed behind him the pile of brooms and a bag. "There are also some spare gloves and goggles in the bag as well."

"Now first things first, we'll have to do some stretches." Which was everyone's favourite thing to do in lessons. Ahem. "So take some time to do that after collecting what you may need.We'll be heading into the air right after."

OOC: Other then stretching, there's the goggles and extra supplies that your character can borrow. Only one post is recommended before they can take off in the air. =)

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