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Leon nodded slowly as the healer spoke to him and he took a breath, "Yes Sir, I'm pretty sure that they were human bones, there was also some blood in there as well." " He said softly as he looked down at the ground for a moment.. those images were stuck in his head now.. albeit slightly dark and blurry.. Had that shadow creature really harmed someone?
Had it really killed the caretaker?
He nodded as the Healer said to stay away from it..
"I wouldn't dream of going back in there sir. " He said softly,
Originally Posted by
She nodded as he spoke directly to her. Looking around to make sure everyone else was okay she felt she could leave now. No point in her staying, she hadn't went into that portal. She was smarter than them. "Yes, the headmistress and professors were still near it. I can gather the prefects and head back there to help out."
Times like this she wished she could finally do a patronous, but she couldn't so for now she was off to find the prefects. "Ace you get what you need and rest. We will get his one for you." She winked at the lion before turning and heading out.
Could she just leave the head boy out of it though?
Merlin's holy underpants. Leon didn't have to be a licensed healer to know if those were real human bones or not. Being one of the oldest students to see it up close, River thought it was wise to believe the young man. He instantly dismissed the idea of them hallucinating, because Carlton mentioned that he touched a bone-thing. Before the Head Girl turned to go, River called out to the she-snake.
"Thank you for bringing them to me, Head Girl. Do take the extra precaution when you do your patrols."
The man then turned to the rest, and handed out extra calming draughts for them to take.
"Not everyone who ventured into that portal didn't come to see me, so please...give these out to them if they need one." he then got more vials of calming draught from Bumi's dogpack and distributed it to the remaining students.
"There's nothing else I can do for you now, but make sure to get some rest. Leon and Prefect Salander, off you go to your common rooms...Master Lewis, I will walk you to your dormitory. You can have Roscoe for the night if you wish." No, he will not deprive the first year from slobbery kisses and extra warmth of a fluffy dog.