Originally Posted by
AmbiguouslyMe Orientation. Nicky wasn't exactly sure what to make of it. But she wasn't exactly one to turn down free food, and she supposed she did need to pick up her things, size up the other YATIs, that sort of thing. She was particularly eager to see if anyone seemed especially... susceptible to breaking under pressure.
There was also the question of whether Legend had any idea he'd be seeing her more often than when she crashed the occasional Chosen family gathering.
A bit of swagger in her step, Nicky approached the buffet, snagging a single carrot stick as she walked the length of it, considering the options. It was then that she saw one Alexa Cambridge piling her plate full of food. Her consideration of the spread ceased in that moment as a smirk played over her lips. Their last interaction has incensed the blonde, but it had also pushed her to prove that she was more competent than any of them had given her credit for. Especially Hirsch.
"I tried that levicorpus move I saw you pull at Hogwarts," she said, snapping the carrot stick between her teeth. "Was a pretty good vantage point." That she'd suspended herself from the ceiling of a closed library filled with fog was beside the point.
"So. When do I get my license for a second wand?"
Lex was aware of the girl even before she'd moved closer to have a conversation. That was constant vigilance. It was never not knowing exactly what was going around you at all times and was usually the difference between life or death. In an orientation setting, it was simply the difference between being stuck in a dreadful conversation and a quick get away. Not registering her as someone to be particularly avoided. Alexa continued stacking her plate until she was content with the mountain before her. This would tide her over for a few hours, most definitely.
The faintest hints of an amused smirk spread across her face as the young woman straightened to fully take in a girl she never thought she'd see again. It brought images of that duel flooding back. It'd been a fun duel, very light and without much....you know. It wasn't like the practice duels here, or the real deal out on the field. She'd been allowed to take a few hits and enjoy the ride.
"Reckon you can get a second wand after applying for it. S'how it works around here. I'm sure there's other regulations too but I never bothered to learn them." Between her own wand and her constantly improving skills at wandless magic, a second wand simply served no purpose for her.
"Run it by Security."
She wouldn't ask what she was doing here. Chances were, with the way the girl had been talking when they'd last seen each other, she never came here to work a regular 8 - 4 desk job. It left only so many options. Deduction. Also important for an Auror.
"Did you win?" The duel of course.