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Old 02-13-2017, 02:29 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nerissa M. Tate
Sixth Year


Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Keeping his eyes on Chewbacca as he made his way further into the swamp, Henry was still debating on what exactly to do. Though maybe he had made his decision as he was still just watching, waiting to see if his pet needed his assistance. He was so focused on the kneazle that he hadn't noticed anyone else with him until he heard his voice.

Slightly startled by his sudden appearance, Henry snapped his eyes to the other boy. Had he come out of the swamp? The dampened bottom of his robes would suggest so. "Did you lose your pet tarantula?" More importantly, did it go into the swamp? Henry wouldn't be surprised if there were all kinds of spiders living in that swamp, though he didn't know how well they'd fare in the wetter parts of it.

"Hi Levi," he grinned as the other boy acknowledged him. "Were you in the swamp? I've never been.." He didn't exactly have any reason to, not till now, and he turned his eyes towards the kneazle again.
Lose was one way to put it.

Levi smiled, blandly, as he shook off his swamp stained robes. It really was quite smelly. What kind of historic monument was this? Why had anyone thought this would be a good idea? "It's not mine. She, I mean. Charlotte." He felt it important to clarify. Both the ownership and the fact that it had a name. She. That he knew she had a name. Levi had already been judged in the past plenty and openly, by his peers, for not being enamored with magical creatures and animals in general. If he didn't care about puppies or cruppies or kittens beyond passingly thinking they looked cute and showed no inclinations of wanting to pet them, hold them, or coo at them then SURELY there was something deeply wrong with him. Psycho in training or something of the like. "She is an escape artist, that Charlotte." So funny, that Charlotte. "I think she might be pregnant, again. She's been looking a little uh, wide." Levi knew he was probably supposed to sound concerned and so the corners of his mouth dropped down, a little bit.

His nose wrinkled, and he dropped the robes on the floor on a pile next to him. "Chewbacca is," He paused, venturing a glance at Henry's feline companion, "--cute and adventurous."
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