Rooney’s face stiffened at how easy Leon was making it look to avoid any spell he sent his way and considered whether he had underestimated the other Ravenclaw. Two could play that game, though and the Prefect threw up a shield charm to block the spell that would have him singing. ”Didn’t have you pegged as a guy who likes other guys singing to them.” He grinned, but suddenly realised that speaking had put his off his stride as another spell came careering towards him. When darkness fell over his eyes, Rooney muttered a swear and started to bounce a little more erratically on the balls of his feet.
He didn’t have time to sort out his sight right now, but needed his opponent predisposed. Wand pointed in a direction, he cast one of the spells that he trusted best : a jelly legs jinx. Now to sort himself out. Wand aimed at himself, Rooney moved quickly. ”Finite!” He was glad to be able to see his surroundings again and looked straight to Leon to see if his spell had gone towards him or completely out of play.
What he knew though, was that he was certain of his next few moves.