SPOILER!!: Continued from Divi lesson
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[ Professor Vance dismissed the class but Carlton didn't really listen. He knew the healer would take care of the injuries but still Carlton was the cause of it. He might just break down and wail loudly.
"I'm a HORRIBLE Robin Hood!" He put down the bow and quiver of arrows faaar away from him. Not touching that again. "I'm so sorry professor Vance!" Cue the crying.
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"No you're not!" She went over and promptly wrapped her arms around the small first year. Cue protective mode. "It was an accident and Professor Vance isn't upset. It's not like you purposely injured her and the Healer will clean her up." Sky nodded consolingly, rubbing his upper back. "But if you'd like, I know something that will make her feel better...." She whispered the last part to him. "A hug."
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Blood. River's eyes widened as Laurel approached him and Carlton, but he managed not to say anything. Cuts were easy to heal so there was really no reason to panic. The Healer placed a hand on Laurel's shoulder, gently forcing her to face him and quickly inspected her wounds. "It's a good thing your wounds aren't deep. I will--" River's words were cut off when Carlton expressed his frustration for everyone to hear.
Was Jace watching this? Because he sounded just like Carlton minus the emotional outburst.
Skylar was quick to be by her house mate's side, and River was thankful for it. He took the moment to reach inside his pocket, and opened a small packet of dampened gauze with murtlap essence. Without a word, he started to apply it on Laurel's cheek, hoping that Carlton would feel at ease once he sees that his professor's face isn't bleeding anymore.
"Master Lewis?" River turned to face the first year, and smiled down at him. "You're not horrible. In fact, I will be needing your help right now." Surely, Laurel wouldn't mind? It would also be the perfect opportunity for the Divination Professor to assure her student that none of the accident was a big deal. "You too, Miss Diggory, if you wish to come along." River gave the she-snake a look, and a quick glance at Carlton. He was sure the kid needed emotional support.
So, will they help him out or not?
Laurel wanted to continue to reassure and console Carlton but the throbbing pain in her cheek and bleeding fingers made her only think of that. That River was inspecting her wounds and applying gauze to her face distracted her attention from what was going on around them.
Realizing suddenly that it had gone very quiet in the room Laurel pulled out her wand and restored the RoR room to its original state. The next professor or student that wandered into the RoR probably didn't want to be met by arrows and bows. Meeting River's gaze she asked
"Can you fix my wounds in my office? I don't really have time to follow you down to the hospital wing." Looking over at Skylar and Carlton she said
"You two can come along too. I'm really all right Carlton. Healer Reed will fix me up in no time."
Some minutes later Laurel unlocked her tower office door and headed inside with River just behind her and the students she assumed were some feet after him. Releasing a sigh that she had been holding in Laurel smiled faintly at her Bengal cat that was snoozing on top of her desk. Turning around to face River she asked
"Do you need any supplies to fix my wounds?" She had a healing kit somewhere in her office for simple cuts and such.
OOC: All three of you can now post in here.