For Mansa! Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
She needed a quiet place to think. So the library seemed a natural place to go and relax in. Perhaps there she could just let her mind wander. Sometimes the noisiness of Hogwarts was a bit much. So some peace and quiet would be a nice change. She had been having terrible nightmares ever since she stumbled upon that place.
She shuddered at the thought. She could clearly hear the snarling of the thing in her mind. Olivia felt slightly changed by all the events. She felt the same on the whole, still her happy self, but she still had thoughts about that place. She remembered when she finally fell out and then hugged Brent Westwood so tightly as she was so glad to see him alive and well. She had been so worried about him and all of them that had been in there. Taking a seat by the fireplace, she opened up her notebook and began jotting down her thoughts, trying her hardest to clear her mind. Don't think. She needed to find a way to get her mind off of that.
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