She was about to head over to the tea trolley to get something to quench the thirst in her throat with and possibly speak to River, as she stood near one of the windows overseeing the progress when something whizzed past her right cheek, causing pain to erupt there and then she heard a loud
CRASH behind her head and seconds later how the glass behind her broke. Professor Vance sadly didn't have time to move or throw up a shield charm before the glass rained down all over her head.
Raising her hand to the throbbing pain on her cheek she started to shake off the glass, of course managing to cut a few fingers that started to bleed. Laurel was wondering who had shot the arrow that was now lying at her feet. The panicked voice of young Carlton pleading that she wouldn't throw him in the dungeons answered that question.
Heading over towards Carlton and River too with her bleeding fingers and cheek Laurel reassured the young boy with a soothing voice.
"It's all right Carlton, I'm not going to throw you in the dungeons. I know you didn't break the window or injure me on purpose. There is always a risk with an arrow lesson. Aiming a bow and shooting an arrow isn't easy when you've never tried it before, you've been doing great!"
Ignoring the pain in her cheek as well as her numbing fingers Laurel turned so that she looked out over all the students as she called out.
"That's a wrap everyone! Class is dismissed! Feel free to finish up your last shots. You can put your bows and quivers back in the stalls on your way out. Have a nice few hours before dinner." With that she turned her attention to her injuries, shaking her head and wondering how a very blunt arrow still could cause so much damage.
OOC: Class dismissed! Thank you all for a very fun and memorable lesson.
Arrows seemed to have been a real hit. I'll leave the lesson thread open until around 6pm GMT+1 tonight for wrapping up and leaving posts.