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Old 02-11-2017, 01:02 AM   #2 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year
x8 x8
Default H: 250, m:250, f:20
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

The first duel of the new term and Cass found herself going up against a friend. It made things…interesting, to say the very least. She certainly didn’t want to do anything or cast any spell that might cause too much harm in one shape or form. But she also didn’t want to whimp out and take it easy on Olivia just because it was Olivia. Surely they had both signed up for the dueling club once more, knowing just what to expect from previous years. Not to mention her companion was a Gryffindor as well. So the Ravenclaw had researched their list of known and acceptable spells, trying to get a feel for what she might want to work with before hand.

And then the day came and the fourth year got dressed in the gear they were supposed to wear once she reached the dueling arena. When she was ready, Cass stepped up to the area they were supposed to meet for the duel as the Gryffindor would do the same. “Good luck,” she remarked with a polite smile before taking her spot and bowing to her friendly opponent as protocol directed. Then finally she took her stance and raised her wand, taking a deep breath to prepare to begin.

“Cantis!” she cast, using a spell she had practiced since it seemed an amusing option in the thick of things. And possibly unexpected.

SPOILER!!: Points Tracker

Spells Cast:

Cantis: Causes target to involuntarily sing
Incantation: Cantis (CAN-tis)

Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be nullified before the victim can cast another spell


Dueler Name: Cassandra McNally
H: 250 - 0 = 250
M: 250 - 15 = 235
F: 25 - 0 = 25

Last edited by Holmesian Feline; 02-15-2017 at 10:08 PM.
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