∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog "Oh!" Kitty said in surprise as Rooney actually did use his wand to change her hair back to its natural black color. That was okay. She probably was more easily noticeable with silver hair than black. "I don't remember exactly what I was thinking when I turned it silver," she admitted. "It was late at night and I hadn't been able to go to sleep."
Some of the tension which had been building up inside her all day went away when he smiled at her. That meant that he wasn't nearly as mad with her as everyone else seemed to be, and he'd probably try to understand her point of view without shouting. She did, after all, consider him to be a friend, so even if he was angry it wouldn't be as scary as Natalia being angry. "Professor Newton," she corrected herself at his prompting. "That's what I meant."
She took his arm when he offered it and gratefully allowed him to steer her down the corridor as they talked. "You're right, I shouldn't have yelled at her," she conceded after he had finished. "And I shouldn't have ran out of class. Maybe I shouldn't have said Salathar was a murderer." In her opinion, the intent to murder was still there. Why else would he have raised a basilisk anyway? But she wasn't going to argue the point. "But it's not fair to say I was the only one not listening, when again and again I said that I did NOT think any Slytherins at Hogwarts were evil. So why didn't anyone hear that? Before anyone even replied, I said that I called all the Slytherins in the room kind and loving. How should I have done it instead?" It was a sincere question. Rooney ignored chatting about her hair and instead just sighed, walking slowly down the corridor with his co-prefect on his arm. "Kits, I'm not arguing with you about this. You were wrong on every level to expect that people wouldn't be hurt by what you said. People were sorted into Slytherin for their personality, their morals and you said that the founder of their house was such an awful person, thereby making them awful people. And I don't know if I'm more angry at you for yelling at Katy or for upsetting Carlton -- both younger students that you should be building relationships with and not berating and making to feel awful." He stopped talking then and shrugged.
He was running out of things to say about it, but he didn't want to argue with Kitty about this. They were a team and were supposed to work cohesively to inspire students of their house and their school to be the best they could. And arguing would impact the relationship that they had worked to build up by now. "Just...please...start thinking before you speak."
__________________ [Grimoire]__________________________________________________ ____________  |