DIMC & MO Billywig
Join Date: Feb 2013 Location: Riley's Brain
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lola A. Second Year | Mischievous Niffler Quote:
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Things like this was why Rooney was one of Rosalyn's favourite students. COULD she have favourite students? It made her feel a little bad in all honesty because she loved all of them. This boy shared her love of history, was creative, and also kind. "You are very welcome for everything. I hope I helped at least a little." Opinions could be really beneficial, and she did like to hell whenever she could. "You can come to me whenever." Even though he probably knew that, there was no harm in saying it.
Silently Rose headed back to her office with Kitty. It made her sad to think that such a sweet girl could have done this, but everyone could have an outburst when passionate enough about something. If she had known her lesson would prove to be a hot button, she would have chosen something else. Hindsight 20/20 and all they could do now was address the issue.
Patiently she listened as the girl talked, waiting until she was finished to say her piece. "I want to start off by saying that I always encourage people to speak their minds in class. I don't want you to feel that you can't share your opinion." There was a short pause before continuing. "That said, it's important to keep in mind the WAY things are said. I understand that you didn't mean to offend Slytherins or call them evil, but people feel a lot of pride for where they are sorted and saying something like that about their founder WILL make them angry even if you don't intend to." Rosalyn hoped that she was getting the point across well here. "On top of that you are a prefect, a student leader. You are an example for students to follow - especially the younger ones who are not as familiar with the Wizarding world and Hogwarts. Screaming and storming out of class are not things that prefects should be doing. In fact it's the exact opposite." Children were impressionable. Look at poor Carlton who thought he was evil. "I understand that you don't like Salazar Slytherin. You definitely don't have to like him. He wasn't a saint by any means, but he also wasn't a murderer." An allegation that would not sit well with Slytherins, and understandably so! "I don't like that he was prejudiced against muggleborns either, nor do I like that he built the Chamber of Secrets and placed a Basilisk. However, he did NOT set the creature loose in the castle. There weren't any deaths before he left. No one was killed by the creature until Tom Riddle attended Hogwarts. He was the murderer." Rosalyn just wanted Kitty to understand that.
Having addressed that issue, it was time to get to punishment. "You will need to do detention for this." Something that she was sure the girl expected. Throughout most of Professor Newton's speech, Kitty merely listened, occasionally muttering "I understand." Really though, she couldn't understand how so many people could be loyal to someone they'd never even met who lived so long ago, not when that someone had the reputation of Salathar. If Rowena Ravenclaw had attempted to kill an innocent person, (for example), she didn't think she'd be that offended if someone pointed it out. While true that Salathar never killed anyone, she was pretty certain he would have if he had had his way. "But professor, if Salathar didn't want to kill anyone, then why did he seal the basilisk up for his heir to discover? I'm not trying to argue, but wasn't the whole point of sealing the chamber up so that another person could murder instead of him? I'm not trying to argue," she repeated hastily.
The mention of detention didn't surprise her one bit. She supposed this was going to be her punishment all along. At least she didn't lose nay points. Yet. 'I understand," she repeated sadly. "Also...if you could tell me what activity I missed out on, I could work on it in my free time."
She waited tensely to hear what her detention would be. |