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Gaston was relieved to see that Bonsai wasn't angry about having his toy taken. He nodded in reply to Cami. "So does Phantom," he said. 'She has more toys than she knows what to do with; she just wants whatever someone else has." Speaking of whom, the black and white Persian had momentarily stopped batting the ball around and was staring at the other cat, as if trying to size him up; she gave him an inquisitive meow.
He couldn't help but laugh at Cami's story; he had no trouble imagining Bonsai knocking over a house plant or two. "Phantom doesn't waste her time knocking house plants over," he said. "She prefers to just eat them instead!" This was why he had to hang the potted plants in his office from the ceiling! "I'm afraid the story behind her name isn't nearly as adorable. She's named for a character in a muggle play who wore a white mask on half his face, just like hers." as if on cue, Phantom turned her head to show off the white half of her face.
Gaston saw the way Bonsai looked at him when he said his name and took that as an okay to go ahead and pet him, which Cami soon confirmed. He bent to pet the other cat when Phantom darted between them and rolled onto her back. He laughed. Cami had no idea just how possessive his cat could be! "Yes, Phantom is quite the prima donna," he replied. Wink, wink. in-joke. The black and white Persian wrapped her front paws around his wrist as he rubbed her tummy, while his free hand gave Bonsai a pat on the head. Now this was unexpected! The cats didn't seem to mind sharing the ball, but when it came to sharing him, they had a problem...
Camilla laughed softly nodding her head in understanding.
"He gets like that at times but usually he enjoys being were the people are." Where people were meant if he get petted which was exactly what her kitty loved most. Bonsai didn't seem bothered at all by the other cat looking him over. For a Bengal he was a bit on the smaller side having been the runt of his litter but that didn't at all mean he couldn't handle his own. He was still younger though so he'd rather play then fight from what she saw, his curiosity even bringing him face to face with a few dogs much larger then himself.
Hearing that Phantom also enjoyed knocking over house plants made her smile.
"Clearly us humans don't know how to place a plant so they take it upon themselves to help us," she joked laughing softly. "Oh dear," she giggled shaking her head,
"Bon doesn't nibble them he just knocks them right over and plays in the dirt of pebbles." Silly kitties they both had!
"Her name is perfect for her though and she's lovely!" Cami knelt down a little holding her hand out towards Phantom in an offer to pet her.
"I do know the Muggle film you're speaking of, yes." Having Kay for a cousin she knew all those films and shows!
She so enjoyed seeing her cat making friends! Bonsai seemed to be enjoying petting arching his head and neck into Gaston's hand. If she knew her kitty and she did!she was positive he was purring a great deal right then.
"Nothing wrong with being spoiled, huh Phantom?" she smiled at speaking to a cat. Shh, it was alright she did this all the time. At least the cats weren't fighting or anything of the sort.