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Old 02-06-2017, 11:24 PM   #26 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Carlton stopped right behind Nat. The headmistress had told everyone to follow the Head Girl to the Hospital Wing immediately so there he was. It was actually a nice distraction from everything, there was a lot to look at. Carlton hadn't ended up in the hospital wing yet, which was an achievement. It took some self-control to stay quiet and not ask ALL THE QUESTIONS ABOUT EVERYTHING, but he didn't say anything.

He looked over at Tenacius curiously. A form! Right. He could do that. Carlton waddled over to stand next to Tenacius. Hai.

Patient’s Name: Carlton Gilbert Lewis
Patient’s Year & House: 1st year, Slytherin
Accompanied By: Head Girl Natalia Franks Mundie and everyone else

Link(s) to post(s) where the injury or illness happened:
Going through the portal BEEPBOOPBEEPBOOOP
In the Upside down :
Let's feed the creature!
Being carried off
Back by the portal!
Let's go save the creature!
Let's go BACK!
Scary Headmistress is scary!
Aaaand going to the hospital wing.
When he was done, he moved aside so the other students could fill out their forms. Carlton dropped his finished form into the niche and sat down waiting for the others and the healer to arrive. He was confused, tired and scared. Had he really tried to feed a monster?

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