~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Receiving a nod in confirmation from Cynthia, the professor turned again to admire the librarian’s work but not for long as another colleague arrived. “Hello, Gaston!’’ Kay smiled broadly. “Don’t you look smashing in that outfit?’’ No, she wasn’t flirting with him. Just giving him a well deserved compliment. She and Rose may be close friends but she highly doubted the other woman would spare her if she flirted with Gaston anyway. “Thank you.’’ She slipped the Frog into her Chisrtmasy shirt pocket. A treat for later. For now, she focused on the boxes Gaston had brought. Opening them up so that the students could see which ornaments they wanted to grab for the decorating.
Hearing noises at the Entrance, Kay turned only to be greeted by the wonderful sight of Ray Palmer’s River’s doggies pulling in some trees. Weren’t they just adorable? “Hello, Roscoe, Bumi!’’ The woman wanted to fangirl? Fanwoman? them but that would be highly inappropriate behaviour for a professor when students could have their eyes on her. “Hello, River. That’s so nice of you. “That sounds like a plan. I’m sure the students will have a lot of fun with this. Paul must have some pots around the greenhouses we could borrow.’’ |