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Isa listened attentively as Professor Vance spoke. Hmm, maybe she would use the crystal ball instead of water. She was always open to trying new methods of divination. That was how she learned. "Thank you. I think I'll try using a crystal ball." Isa carefully took the crystal ball that the professor had offered to her and gently set it on the table.
She would be able to keep one of the journals! "Thank you. Dreams easily slip the mind if they are not written down." Isa set one of the blank journals aside with the things she was setting up on the table. "Dream interpretation is a subject that I find fascinating and wish to expand my knowledge of using more than just the brief chapter in the textbook." Her father had always taught her from a young age to actively pursue knowledge in areas that were of interest to her, and that textbooks were never the end-all of knowledge. One who truly wanted to learn sought out knowledge outside of class.
Was she being unprofessional? The thought crossed her mind when Isa chose to try using scrying with a crystal ball over the other two options. Had she done it because Laurel had confessed that it was her favourite method for reading the future to come?
"You're welcome Isa." Laurel murmured in response as she watched the badger girl set the crystal ball down on a table with a gentleness that few showed.
She welcomed the topic change since it let her push away her thought about being or not being unprofessional. Focusing on what Isa was saying Laurel nodded
"Yes, that's true. If you write down your dreams you can later interpret their meanings for your future even if most dreams are often jumbled and weird." Dreams were sadly though not as concrete as other methods for reading the future since dreams were often hard to understand.
Pulling out her wand Laurel boiled some water and put in a green tea bag into a large tea cup which she took with her over to where Isa had set up her crystal ball.
"Do you want a cup of green tea too?" Laurel offered as she took a seat in one of the chairs.
"I understand your wish to expand your knowledge of dream interpretation further than the brief chapter you're required to read in your textbooks. I've sought more information too on different subjects that have peeked my interest to lean more. Flourish & Blotts i've always gone to for more books."