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Old 02-03-2017, 05:20 PM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
Default Divination Lesson 2 - Belomancy

IC Date, time, location: Thursday, 8th December, 1pm 2091 , Room of requirement (password to get inside is crystal ball)

A RoR room will be utilized for this afternoons divination lesson to not let the frigid december weather interfere, since a heavy snow storm of the previous night, put an effective stop to a lesson outside on the grounds. As you step over the threshold to the 'classroom' you'll find that the room is pretty spacious and warm, but not stuffy.

The desks and have been grouped in a half circle and all the chairs are cushioned for comfort. Professor Vance is standing in the middle of the spacious room dressed in shimmering red robes, sipping on a steaming cup of tea, next to several cloaked objects, and overhead something is floating around cloaked too.

"Good afternoon, please find a desk, we will begin shortly." Professor Vance chirps warmly as the first students step inside. All the cloaked objects are perfectly masked in black silk as to not give away what the lesson will be about just yet.

Lesson progression:
Class start + Guess the divination method
Replies + in what situation, occupation etc can arrows be of assistance?
Mini activity time!
Main activity - Let's shoot arrows!