♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners Rooney found himself sighing and indulging in another few gulps of water. "I'd love to study History of Magic, Professor. I just..don't think I should do it straight after I finish Hogwarts. I reckon that I would appreciate the subject more after having my own worldly experience to apply to my thoughts." Or maybe he was just putting it off because he had looked at Aunt Elodie's university textbooks and had didn't think he was ready for just studying the past on it's own. Charms and Herbology had fun in learning them and he doubted that a university History education would have that essence of fun in classes and research. "So you think I should wait to study at WADA?" Nod. Rosalyn could definitely understand Rooney's logic because really experience made history come to life more than studying in school. Even though she had learned a lot at Wizarding University, seeing historical sites in person made everything more REAL. It wasn't just history either; the same could be applied to pretty much all of the subjects taught at school. "Yes, there is nothing like seeing the world and applying it to life's experiences. Even Hogwarts is like that; you get a better sense of its history by being here and experiencing it." Life was amazing like that.
As for his next question... "I think it would be a good idea, but if you decide not to wait I think you will still excel." Just letting him know she had total faith in his abilities. |