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Old 02-01-2017, 10:26 AM   #125 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

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Default 5 and... Liv
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post

The speed of them moving down the slope first made him terrified and cling to her desperately. But when he realized they were actually doing alright he beamed and let go of her.

"WOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The snow whipped past their faces and he was completely oblivious of Char desperately trying to steer the tube safely down to the others. Carlton threw his hands in the air and waved them around like he just didn't care.

"This is the BEST DAY EV-" His happy cry was abrupted by him suddenly leaving the tube, a small bump in the snow had made him spiral out of it. He had the time to realize it would be a very cold tumble down the end of the hill before his tushy hit the cold ground. THUD.

He heard Charlotte shout something after him when he rolled down the slope. Who needed tubes when you had a rolling body? When he came to a stop he sat up and looked around him. OH, hot cocoa. Standing up, he brushed the snow off from him and wiggled his body to get all the cold snow out of his two jackets he was wearing.

Carlton beamed with pride and searched for where Charlotte had ended up with their tube and their two trees so he could go join her.

This was kind of AMAZING! Charlotte would have waved both hands around but she did keep a grip on her new firstie friend, so only waved the one around. WOOOOOOOOOO. And then a sudden bump meant she lost her grip on him... whoops! But... well, at least she'd got the steering right even if she'd lost her small passenger. She wouldn't get in trouble right? Because he SOUNDED like he was okay.

The tube scooted to a stop, mostly thanks to the trees that between the two of them kind of worked like a little anchor, and Charlotte, with shaky legs, got off the tube, right in time to hear they were getting medals! COOL! It was nice that she didn't miss out on that just for not being first. And she could really go for some of that cocoa right about now!

"Thanks Healer Reed!" Charlotte said, upon taking hers. Mmm. She had ice and snow caked on her though. Char got her wand out and busied herself with a few quick spells, just to make things a little more comfy. And she MIGHT'VE gone and got that cocoa, but then THINGS happened.

SPOILER!!: Liv things

Originally Posted by potterobsessionist View Post

Then his eyes fell on a very familiar figure. He had seen her in the entrance hall and then lost track of her in the run with everyting that was going on. Carlton started to prance over to her.

"LIV! Beepboopbeepboopbeepboop! Come and get your medal!" He called to her as he ran over.

Wait, why was the healer with her? Was he giving her the medal? His stomach dropped when he spotted his Liv suddenly falling to the ground. Carlton first stopped in his tracks, watching from afar before he waddled over to them, wide and shiny eyes.

"Why is she doing that, healer Reed?" His voice was small and scared as he looked down at Liv. Get uppppppppppppppppppppppppp and love me!

Lip wibble. Yup. If she didn't open her eyes soon or if the healer didn't perform a magical recovery for her RIGHT NOW. He would start bawling. Here it cooomes...
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
There were loud noises and people making their way noisily out of the obstacle course, but Olivia was so focused on the meager breakfast she'd managed that morning making it's way back up her throat...that she'd completely missed all of this.

As well as the approaching fabricated yeti...


Moisture gathering in her eyes, as it does when you're throwing up, Liv hastily pushed her blonde fringe back; grateful again that she'd had the presence of mind to cut all her hair off. This would've been much more frustrating than it already was.... Considering she had to rip the scarf from about her neck....for fear of getting vomit on it. It'd been a gift from her mother a few years ago, and was silk. Depressed and broken, or not, Liv STILL cared very much about her accessories.


By the time the Healer had made it over, she was in the beginning stages of dryheaving; her vision blurred and mind floating. Healer Reed was asking her something, but it was difficult to zero in on his words... Trying to focus, the blonde blinked forcibly, causing the gathered tears to leak down her flushed cheeks. There was other people there... She thought she heard a much younger voice. "........" The words wouldn't come, but....then again, she suddenly found herself unable to do anything other than close her eyes. It was too bright with the sun reflecting off the snow; too bright and overwhelming to her currently mushy brain.

...and Olivia had fainted.

Now, Olivia Phillips was someone Char had called friend since they were ickles. They were neighbours, housemates, and a whole ton more, but in recent times the younger girl had definitely been avoiding Charlotte, she was sure. It hurt, feeling like a friend didn't really want to be friends with you anymore, especially when there were Roo things involved, but Charlotte was hardly going to be someone who would EVER turn away when a friend (?) was in trouble. If it wasn't for Carlton going over there, it was possible that Char might not even have noticed, but as it was, that was exactly where her attention had gone.

"Olivia!" Char's gasp wasn't very loud when she saw the younger blonde go down, but her reflexes were good and her wand was already out, so she cast a cushioning charm at the ground right where Liv was falling - the spell blossoming up to hopefully cushion her fall.

She tore over there, skidding slightly on an icy patch before coming to a stop, anxiously. Thank Merlin the healer was right here!!!

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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