Post 7 Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door HEY! Was he laughing at her??? He definitely seem to be. Which was fine, really. Daisy was laughing at herself. Well, Daisy was laughing because ADRENALINE RUSH! Did you not see her running around, dragging things up and sliding down small hills? Also, flying and then faceplanting in the snow, of course. Still, it wasn't cool to be laughed at by a Gryffindor - no matter how cool Matt seemed - so Daisy grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in his direction.
HAH. TAKE THAT. "Oh, thank you, kind sir." She replied with a laugh which would've been accompanied by a mock bow had she not been laying on the snow. As it was, Matt would have to settle for snow angels. YUP. She was laying down in the snow, she honestly might as well. Raising her head slightly, she glanced towards the direction he had gestured too and grinned back at the boy. "Look at all the people we beat!"
YES! That had been flawless. "Snow is awesome." She replied simply to his question with a firm nod, stopping the angel making to look up at him. What was he talking about? Snuggle in the cold? She wasn't snuggling in the snow, she was making snow angels! Well, she had been anyway. "Snow is soft and fluffy.." And cold, yes. But only when he turned his back to go get them that hot chocolate did she stand up.
Not only because she was cold but because hot chocolate was coming her way and she could no drink it in the horizontal. Trust her, she had tried before. She wiped her face, trying to get rid of the snow, which didn't really work since her gloves were also covered in snow, and looked at the Christmas tree she had dragged all the way uppp and then all the wayyyyy down. Were they suppose to take the trees with them? Like, was this how Hogwarts was getting its Christmas decorations? Honestly, coming from this castle, it wouldn't surprise her one little bit.
BUT LOOKIE. Hot chocolate. Daisy's eyes zeroed in on the two steaming cups Matt was bringing over, mouth practically salivating. That looked hot. Imagine how hot it was actually going to be?? "Thank you, Gryffie!" Daisy told the boy with a big smile hands imediatelly going to grab one of the mugs. ... it was for her, right? Yes, definitely. OOOOooooOOOohh, look how hot it was!! "We totally ruled that course!" Yes they did! She hoped Healer Reed had been watching because THAT had been IMPRESSIVE! |