Okay, it was a bit of a terrible joke and normally it would probably just annoy her, but they were all meant to be out having fun, right? Anyway, he seemed friendly. People were always telling her she needed to lighten up.
"I guess I could see that... I'm Sinead," she responded with a little curled-lip smile, before raising her eyebrows slightly at his suggestion. "I never thought of that. Does it work well? And- are you at Hogwarts?" People did live in Hogsmeade who weren't, right? Like the shopkeeper, for one. But then, why wouldn't you be at school, if you could be?
As the shopkeeper spoke, Sinead realised she hadn't even got any money out, starting slightly and digging through her bag to find her purse.
"Yes, thank you." There- she had just the right change. She placed the coins on the counter in a neat little pile, sliding them over as she stashed her purchases in her bag and turned back to Harvey.