Post 3 ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Smiling, Rosalyn dusted her clothes off, partly to clean the snow off and partly to give herself a moment to catch her breath. In a moment she was ready to continue, making her way towards the next challenge at a decent pace without exhausting herself; it was important not to use up more energy than needed since there were other tests coming up.
Judging by the trusses that popped into view, the next one required crawling. Well, she was going to be covered in snow again, but Rosalyn had expected that; kind of hard to avoid the stuff when out in it. No matter because she was having a lot of fun right now.
Reaching the first truss, she got down on all fours and began making her way through while making sure not to bang her head. Tunnels weren't the hardest things to crawl through, but the snow added some difficulty. No matter, because it didn't take too long for Rosalyn to be clear of that part - at least in the sense that she could see the opening just ahead. Soon she would be heading to the next part of the course and she was eager to see what River had in store for them; surely he would not disappoint, she thought as she made her way outside and back to the open air.
As soon as the mini Christmas trees popped into view she started laughing. Leave it to River to give them something like this, for she didn't need to see the snow tubes to know what was required. Rosalyn shook her head in amusement. It wasn't going to be the easiest thing getting a tree up a mound - even if it was a small one. Still it could be done, easily at that once she picked up momentum.
The best way to go about the task was obviously placing the mini tree into the hole, so she set about doing that as carefully as possible so as not to knock off half the branches and needles. There. It wasn't a snug fit, but at least the tree should be secure enough so as to not fall off and back down the slope. Sure of herself, she began the slow work of pushing the snow tube upwards, doing her best to pick up momentum. |