Post 4 Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door FUZZBALL?
Daisy openly laughed at his reply to her heckling and watched with close eyes as he approached her. Yes, she wasn't really tired but still, it was good to take some time to rest and gather her breath. She knew she would PWN this thing, anyway. Look, her Dad was a retired Quidditch player. Daisy herself played Quidditch on the team when she was on break, in the junior categories. She had THREE younger siblings which meant a lot of running around after them.
ALSO ... did anyone notice how much candy she ate this morning?!
That's right! "Because it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!" Daisy sang in reply to his question. DUH. Christmas trees made PERFECT sense to her because this was all snowy and they were getting hot cocoa in the end SO YAY CHRISTMAS!
She had been distracted again, daydreaming about Christmas, when Matt's voice brought her back to Earth and the task at hand. HEY! He was gone already!! The Slytherin quickly grabbed a firm hold on her snow tube containing the Christmas tree and dashed after the Gryffindor. "This is DEFINITELY the best thing I've ever done here!!" She replied enthusiastically at his words and started going up the mount, pulling the tube with her.
OH. HAHAHAHA. Thank Merlin this one was smaller than the other one.
RIGHT. Focus, then. Focus on the breathing and on the steps and on pulling that snow tube up. She really hoped she didn't let it go because it appeared some firsties came after her so .... EEEEEK. Also, she had thought she had told Matt her name. OOPS. Apparently, not. "The name is Daisy, by the way." She told Matt with a grin as she took a few deep breaths. Almost there. They could totally win this.