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Oh Merlin. MERLIN! Sweat and sniffles and wheezing. Oh my! Sheesh, this girl was looking a bit worse for wear. Digging in her bag, Dora pulled out a crumpled ball of parchment and immediately muttered the incantation... and transfigurEd it into a goblet. MAN. Then another muttered spell and she was holding said goblet of water out to the older girl.
"Are you sure it's just a sniffle? Could be dragonpox. Never know. " Was the Lioness becoming a hypochondriac? Let's hope not! That on top of her penchant for dramatics might be a horrible thing.
Hand. Toward her. Germs. Oh gosh. What to do? Dora smiled easily, but looked at the hand with nervous energy apparent in her eyes. "Want some antibacterial hand wipes? My dad sends them to me from this Muggle shoppe."
With a small gulp, the girl tooK and shook the other girls' hand. After a long pause, mind you. "Pleasure to meet you, Zelena. I'm Dora. Dora Umbridge. " How had they gone without meeting? Zelena was a pretty Slytherin girl... and Dora thought she knew ALL of those. "Oh! Here let me get you a hanky. Clean you right up, it will. " It was Blaise's... and it was, at one point, covered in Dora's blood, but she had siphoned it all off and washed it herself! Totally safe now!
Zelena wrapped her hands around the goblet as she nodded her head in thanks. The cool, refreshing liquid trickled down her parched throat, quenching her thirst within moments.
"I am sure it is a sniffle. I've done research on magical and non-magical diseases. This was just a Muggle thing.." She paused when the young witch offered her some antibacterial wipes.
"Sure, anything to aid my recovery from this. Oh, your dad's a Muggle. What about your mother?"
The long pause didn't go unnoticed by Zelena but she didn't give any indication.
"Nice to meet you, Dora." The surname seemed vaguely familiar.
"Are you related to a Dolores Umbridge?"
Zelena could feel her nose starting to moisten and was immensely grateful when Dora offered her a hanky.
"Thank you very much," the Slytherin said as she politely blew her nose.
Zelena breathed a sigh of relief as she felt her nose clear slightly. She pointed at Dora's belongings.
"I see you're very good at Charms and Transfiguration. Are they your favourite subjects?"