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Old 01-29-2017, 09:21 PM   #6 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Henry was on his way to the library for one of his study group sessions. It wasn't as if he was exceptionally eager to go, but he knew it would be helpful for the OWLs that he yet had to take at the end of the year. And he found that he was somehow earlier than he needed to be as he traveled down the fourth floor corridor.

It was somewhat unusual for him to be early as he was almost always running late with something to do, but he wasn't so early that he had time to fit anything else in before he left. It would be alright for him to get a head start on things once he got to the library if he arrived before everyone else though. Speaking of studying, he suddenly stopped and looked down at the books in his arm. Did he forget his Arithmancy book? Did he have time to run back down to his dorm to get it?
Dora had done her allotted studying for the day. Well, OWL studying anyway. She had a pretty rigorous schedule set up, actually. But she had set aside time for other studying. THings that were of interest to her. Nonverbal magic for instance.

She had been practicing with Hirsch, but there was only so much time the man had to spare, so she had taken to self teaching as well. It had worked for her in many instances, so it couldn't hurt, right?


Smacking her gum, the blonde tucked the book back under her arm about the time she was Henry. Awww Henry the Hufflepuff. He was a good one, he was. "Henry! What are you doing?" Maybe he could help her with some stuff... or they could just talk a while. She had been alienating herself again... so it was always good to have a sit down with someone she enjoyed talking to.
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