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Old 01-29-2017, 08:58 PM   #20 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
As she closed the gap between them, she glanced over the boy that had caught her eye. She was pretty sure he was taller than her, even from here, but as Dora had pointed out, that wasn't entirely difficult, especially as he was older. There were hints of similarities too, in his features, but she was tentative about reading too much into them. She might have got the wrong person.

His question confirmed that she hadn't, though. She nodded, thoughts of how she was planning to introduce herself quickly abandoning her brain. Instead, she returned the question in kind. "Robin?" Her eyes ran over him once more, trying to read how he felt about this meeting. About the girl who presented herself in front of him.

"I'm sorreh I'm late." It needed saying. "Can I get you another drink?" She'd noticed his glass was nearly empty, though was too distracted to notice the spill.
What were they supposed to do? Hug? Shake hands? Stand awkwardly and stare at one another? This was excruciatingly awkward for the 15 year old. How had he survived this long without having a heart attack or some such!!

Finally deciding that a hand shake would suffice, the boy extended his right hand and offered a crooked smile. "I am, yes. And you're Sam." Obviously. If he wasn't trying to come across as somewhat normal he would have face palmed right then. Ugh. Using his other hand to motion to the seat opposite himself he pulled his own chair back and made to sit. But thought better of it, instead waiting for her to sit first.

"Um. No thanks. It was just water and I seem to have spilt it all anyway. Would you like a beverage?" BEVERAGE? What was wrong with him? Clearing his throat he looked rather embarrassed of himself. Sheesh. "Look... I'm nervous. I don't mean to seem weird... but..."

She had lost track of time. Again. MERLIN she needed a watch. A proper one. It was a problem, it was. Rushing through the door of the pub she paused only long enough to spot Sam and who she was sure to be Robin. Making her way over in a hurried trot she let her eyes sweep over Sam. Well. She was certainly dressed up for the occassion. OH THAT'S RIGHT. She was probably dressed for the date she had conveniently FORGOTTEN to tell Dora about.


She would deal with that later.

Pulling her scarf loose, the Gryffindor made her way straight over and sighed. "I was studying. Lost track of time. I'm Dora Umbridge. YOu must be Robin." No akwardness here! Some angst, maybe... You could call her Queen Saltine at the moment, but here she was. Doing the best friendly thing to do. Yep.
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