Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Andrina smiled down at the girl as she spoke, Wes has told her about Tallyn of course and she had to admit she had been curious about her. "It's nice to meet as well Tallyn. " Andrina said with a warm smile as she looked at Wes and Phe. "He has missed you so much Wes. " She said with a smile, "Also your dad said he wanted to be here, but I got the day off instead of him.. he's going to try and make it next time. " Thomas had been very upset at missing the chance to see his oldest son and the girl in his life..
Hopefully next time! Phe kept peering over at the girl as she spoke to him and the little boy slowly raised his head and smiled at her. "Hai! Wessy talks about you..Talllllll. " He said with a grin, his words fast and slightly slurred together. "She's so prettttyyyy Wessy! " Phe said as he tugged on Wes's ear to get him to look fully at him. Wes smiled at his mother, "Well I have missed him as well, just ask Tal here. " He said as he shot his best friend a smile before nodding as his mother spoke about his dad.. "Tell him that I missed him as well,, hopefully next time. " He said softly. His dad always seemed to be working, so really this wasn't new.. but still..
And here we go.. Wes tried to keep a straight face as Phe talked.. hopefully the boys speech was too fast for Tal to catch every word but..
Wes turned his full attention to Phe as he tugged on his ear. "Yes, she is very pretty. " He said with a smile. Tallyn kept a small but warm smile on her lips. She was curious as to whether or not his family knew much about her or not. It was probably a safe guess that they did if his dad had wanted to come too...or he probably just wanted to see his soon.
Aaww this kid was so cute! Luckily for Wes she didn't have all to much experience with little kids so some of his speech wasn't understood. She managed to make out her name and Wes' as well as something that sounded like Wes talked about her often. "Oh, does he? Can you tell me what he says?" Tal asked softly giving Phe a warm smile, blue eyes shifting to glance at Wes curiously.
She nodded when somewhat questioned. "He does. All the time. I get updates on everything Phe does." And she enjoyed it. Tallyn tilted her head and laughed softly. "Was that what he said?" She asked still laughing a small blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Well thank you Phe, you're adorable."
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