• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch If it was one thing that Laurel had been missing lately it was real quality time with cousin Justin. Between holding lessons and prep and evaluation of said lessons, office hours and regular staff meetings her time each day was pretty much stacked out. There was even little time for her scrying of the future with her beloved cards and crystal ball. Something Laurel disliked because that meant that she was as in the dark as everyone else.
So this Hogsmeade weekend couldn't have come at a better time especially after hearing the wonderful baby news. Laurel was eager to know if she was getting another niece or nephew to dot on and send presents to and look out for in her cards. Stepping into the Three Broomsticks on this fine saturday day the blond ordered a large plate of fish and chips from the shopkeeper before she searched around for Justin.
Spotting her cousin with two flasks of butterbeer Laurel waved and then made her way over to him with a broad smile on her face "Hi Justin, or should i say soon to be daddy of four? Do you know yet if it's going to be a girl or a boy?" Justin didn't have to wait long before he sighted his cousin through the packed area bringing over some food. "Laurey," He beamed wide before getting up to give her a nice snake hug after she set them down. Afterward he passed her flask of butterbeer before taking a sip of his own.
Laughing aloud, "Not yet, we'll be finding out next month." He was very excited about it. "And how have you been, Laurel? Anything new or special coming to your sights?" It had been too long since his last update with her. |